Welcome to Darebin Support Services

Darebin Support Services is an integrated disability service provider. Our holistic approach is based on our experience, knowledge and resources, which includes streamlined access to counselling and allied health services with Darebin Health and Wellbeing. We work closely with you and your support network to provide comprehensive service in an empathetic, timely and responsive manner.

Our Vision

To remain at the forefront of integrated disability services so that our clients can seamlessly access their services and be valued members of their community.

Our Mission

Our holistic approach creates a simple support structure that takes the complexity out of disability services. We provide high quality, compassionate care to empower our clients and improve their quality of life.

Our Values

We C.A.R.E. about our clients:

1.  Collaboration

2. Access

3. Respect

4. Empowerment


At DSS we strive to build a culture where inclusiveness is the norm. Celebrating diversity in all its forms will only lead to a better quality of support for our clients.

We seek to create a workplace that is diverse in age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, ethnicity and perspective, enabling us to cater to, support and empower equally diverse clients.

Most importantly, we believe creating an environment where everyone, from any background, is supported equally to be their truest self is the right thing to do.

Why Choose Darebin Support Services?

  • We address various aspects of a person’s life including aspects such as emotional well-being and community engagement.

  • Our approach allows streamlining and fast tracking service delivery for a seamless client experience.

  • We have a very large network of supports, resources and knowledge to enhance the overall quality services provided.

  • Provides a single point of contact for agencies, support services and support workers.